Across 5) When they got round to it, Sumerians invented this world-changing tool. [WHEEL] 7) In Babylon, this king created the world’s first legal code [HAMMURABI] 8) This group sacked Babylon after the death of Hammurabi [HITTITES] 10) These temples were at the center of Sumerian cities, and resembled the pyramids of Egypt. [ZIGGURAT] 12) This story includes a world-wide flood, much the same as the one written of in the Christian Bible. [EPICOFGILGAMESH] Down 1) Hammurabi’s Code was based on these two principles [JUSTICERETALIATION] 2) This system of religion involves the worship of many gods. [POLYTHEISM] 3) This Egyptian pharaoh, also known as Cheops, was an important leader in the Old Kingdom. [KHUFU] 4) The world’s first writing system, invented in Sumer. [CUNEIFORM] 6) Law of the Claw [LEXTALONIS] 9) This Akkadian king was history’s first conqueror, when he defeated Sumer and added it to his kingdom. [SARGON] 11) This kingdom was ruled by a Semitic people in the northern part of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley. [AKKAD] 13) This Sumerian king was the hero of a great epic story. [GILGAMESH]